Rev. Dr. Raymont Anderson
“If you ask me what I came to do in this world,
I, an artist, will answer you:
I am here to live out loud.” ~Émile Zola"
Triune Holistic Transformation
Many people erroneously think and feel that they are a body alone and often forget that there is a mind, emotions, and a spirit that is the true Self. The services we offer can assist you in realigning and re-membering the true authentic you rather than the egoic self that mass/race consciousness would have you believe that you are. Take full advantage of all that we offer so that you may access affluence in all six areas of true wealth and prosperity:
Physically- All things related to the body, physical health, and well being
Emotionally- All things related to emotions (energy in motion), feelings such as guilt, shame, self-worth, authenticity.
Intellectually- All things related to intelligence, use of the mind, common sense, wisdom.
Spiritually- All things related to Spirituality, soul, spirit, Essence of all that is, and the Truth of what you are as a Divine Being.
Financially- All things related to money, dollars, and sense, wealth, material possessions, security, and comforts.
Relationally- All things related to relationships with family, friends, community, communication, compassion, kindness.

Your body is the physical vehicle you use to move about the world in which we live. Health and well being are ideals we aspire towards physically yet many times we lose track of our health and we gain weight, manifest illnesses, cold, and more.
We have several healing modalities that are quite useful to realigning your body with balance, health, healing, and wholeness.
Reiki (Gendai Reiki, Usui Reiki Ryoho, Kundalini Reiki)
Qi Gong
Martial Arts (Tai Chi, Kung Fu, Aikido)
Fitness balancing from a holistic point of view

As spiritual beings having a human experience all that we are and all that we do is based in the spiritual. It is because of this truth that master teachers like Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi, Rumi, Emerson, and Ernest Holmes and the Fillmores have reiterated over the centuries that once we align with the Higher Self, the Divine, Love, which is also referred to as God, then we are empowered to the degree that we are living our lives on purpose. We are able to be, do, and have all that we desire because we understand what the Source is and how we are intimately connected to it.
Seeking first the kingdom, we align with the Truth of who and what we are.
Using the following modalities we can assist you in making that divine connection to help you re-member who and what you are as a spiritual being.
Holistic Transformational Life Coaching
Spiritual counseling and Practitioner Sessions
Mindfulness practices
Qi Gong
Classes in spiritual studies and practices
Mind Treatment (Affirmative Prayer)

your mind or consciousness is the most important tool that you have to make the changes you desire in your life. don Miguel Ruiz refers to the programming we receive since birth as domestication; it is a form of subconscious training that builds our ego and keeps us in line with the rest of the herd. Stepping out as an authentic being where you live transparently is the most powerful position to live from. A thought held in consciousness will produce and attract in accord with like energy. If you think negatively, you will increase the likelihood of manifesting or demonstrating negative results. This is what Wayne Dyer's book, "Change your thoughts change your life" addresses.
Using the following modalities, we can assist you in changing your paradigms and raising your consciousness.
Holistic Transformational Life Coaching
Neuro-linguistic techniques
Meditation techniques
Mindfulness practices

Stay tuned for more services!
If in the meantime, you seek more information or want to schedule something for yourself, school, job, other event or organization, simply contact Rev. Ray and Tracy and we will do our best to get you on the calendar.
Also if you want prayer, you can confidentially submit via email to raymontanderson@raymontanderson.com

American Sign Language
In an effort to make Rev. Dr. Anderson's Sunday talks accessible to the Deaf community, we have built a steady team of interpreters. Eventually, the goal is to have access for all classes, Sunday services, videos posted, meditations, etc.
It is important to have them paid for their services and if you would like to support this with a donation, you can send it to The Center for Spiritual Living Greater Baltimore to assist with this. If you are an interpreter and would like to invest in this service, feel free to contact us and ask for more information.
Stay tuned for more as things grow!